The Proposed Library Renovation Bond passed by a vote of 447 Yes to 327 No. Thank you for voting.

Introduction: On October 16, 2024, residents of the Nanuet Public Library District will vote on a Bond that would fund a proposed renovation of the aging building at 149 Church Street. Newly revised, the Proposed Renovation Plan was created by a professional architect with extensive library design experience, with input from staff and community members, as well as guidance from local police and fire officials. The proposed project was designed to address the many issues with the facility’s spaces and systems including mechanical infrastructure, handicap accessibility, safety & security, code compliance, energy efficiency, and improved spaces for Children, Teens, Adults, groups, clubs, events, meetings, and more. With an addition of 3,832 square feet, key new spaces will be created, like AV-equipped meeting and tutor rooms for the many groups who gather here, quiet study and computer/media learning lab, children’s play zones, a teen room, and additional programming space to meet increasing demand. 

Artist's Renderings and Architectural Plans

Main Floor Renovation Plan 2024

Main Floor Plan

Provided by Butler Rowland Mays Architects
Click for larger view

Upper Floor Plan 2024

Upper Floor Plan

Provided by Butler Rowland Mays Architects
Click for larger view

Plan Highlights

Increased Teen, Children & Adult Spaces ~ Meeting Spaces for Public Use ~ Multimedia Learning Lab ~ Handicap Accessibility ~ Restrooms on Upper Level ~ Sprinkler System ~ Upgraded Security System ~ Energy Efficiency ~ Mechanical Systems ~ Roof and Windows

Existing Conditions

Images of existing conditions below show examples of rusted plumbing pipes and valves; outdated and noncompliant electrical wiring; some of the many stained, broken, and fallen ceiling tiles due to ongoing roof leaks throughout the building; one of the many dead-end aisles that are unsafe and noncompliant with handicap accessibility requirements


Bond Details

On October 16, 2024, 7:00am – 9:00pm, a public vote on a bond of $12.9 million to fund this project will be held at the Library. For voter information, click here. The proposed bond would cost the average household with a full market home value of $500,000 an estimated $203 per year, or under $17 per month, for a term of 15 years. This amount is in addition to the Library taxes already paid each year to support our operating budget. For a customized estimate on what the taxes would be for your home, contact Library Director, Jessica Bowen Ossa or use the Contact Form below. Please include your name and address.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What would be the cost to taxpayers for the bond?

Estimated cost to taxpayers, based on a 15-year term.

Full Market Value of Home      *Annual Cost  

$200,000                                                $81

$400,000                                              $162

$500,000                                              $203

$600,000                                              $244

$800,000                                              $325

$1,000,000                                           $406

For a customized estimate of what the cost would be for your home, contact Library Director, Jessica Bowen Ossa with your name and address.

Q. How do I find out if I'm registered to vote?

If you would like to check your registration status, visit:

Q. Who runs the vote?

The Nanuet Union Free School District Clerk runs the vote.

Q. Are early mail ballots or absentee ballots available if I cannot come to the Library on Oct. 16?

Yes.  Applications for early mail ballots and absentee ballots can be found in the District Clerk section of the school district’s website here. Note: The District Clerk must receive applications for early and absentee ballots no later than Wednesday, October 9.

Q. Why renovate our library?

To address issues with mechanical systems, ADA accessibility, safety and security, energy efficiency, and code compliance

To respond to community needs for increased meeting and program space

See above for more details on Plan Highlights

Q. Who had input on the proposed plan?

The proposed project came from a combination of:

  • Requests, comments, and survey responses from the Community
  • Staff input based on observation of and experience with our patrons, and knowledge of library trends
  • Recommendations from experienced Library Architects and from local Police and Fire officials
Q. Didn't the library just ask for a renovation? What happened?

Yes, we requested a Renovation Bond in July of 2022. That proposition failed by a mere 11 votes.

Q. How is this proposal different from the one put forth in 2022?

We listened to community concerns about costs and have scaled back wherever possible while still addressing all of the critical needs. The new Bond request is $12.9 million, which is $2.4 million less than what we requested in 2022.

Q. Does the proposed plan include an addition to the building?

Yes, the proposed renovation plan includes an addition of approximately 3,832 square feet over the two floors. The addition is noted on the architectural plans with red dashed lines. The added square footage consists of a two-story squaring off of the front of the building, a 10-foot extension to the Adult/Teen floor, and enclosing the Children’s garden to make a new and improved Storytelling Room. 

Q. Why a bond? What about grants and the library's capital fund?

The Library is using funds from its Capital Reserve; however that is not enough to cover all the needed upgrades. Library Construction Aid and many other grant opportunities are reimbursement grants, so we need to do a project and pay for it before we can receive reimbursement grant funds.

Q. Why does so much need to be done? Hasn't the building been maintained all these years?

We have repaired, retrofit, patched, updated, and maintained, but the time comes in the lifespan of any building, hardware, furniture, mechanical system, etc. where you can no longer repair and you must replace.

Some of the major projects that have been done in the past 10 years:

  • Elevator modernization 2019 (grant-funded)
  • Creation of two handicap-accessible restrooms on lobby level (grant-funded)
  • Installation of a generator to address repeated power outages is currently underway for 2024-25 (partially grant-funded)
  • Installation of a digital outdoor announcement board to replace the existing outdated and cumbersome tile-style board 2024 (partially grant-funded)
Q. Why can't this be funded with the library taxes I already pay every year?

The Library taxes that are currently paid each year support the annual operating budget. This covers the materials, programs, services, staffing, hardware, software, utilities and other operating costs required to serve the community, as well as the routine maintenance and repair of the facility. The annual operating budget does include a line item for a Capital Reserve fund. The Board of Trustees has committed $2,057,868 of that fund toward the proposed renovation project.

Q. Why such a big project all at once? Why not a little at a time?

Cost-effectiveness. Breaking up the project into smaller phases to be completed over a longer period of time would cost approximately 30% – 35% more due to labor inefficiency, increase in labor rates as the total project duration will increase, additional costs from the contractors, the additional architect, engineering, and construction management fees associated with the phasing design and the extended time frame.

Q. If the proposed renovation happens, will the library be closed?

Library operations would move to a temporary location in Nanuet during construction with only brief closures to allow for moving in and out of the temporary location.

Q. UPDATED: How long would the renovation project take?

RESPONSE UPDATED 09/25/2024: If the Bond passes, there will be a period of approximately 12 – 18 months for constructions documents, project approvals, and the bidding process. Then the library would move into a temporary location. Once construction begins, the project duration estimate is 12 – 15 months for construction and inspections.

Q. Can't we just get a fresh coat of paint and a new carpet?

This is not merely a cosmetic project. It’s critical infrastructure. As buildings age, they can only be repaired and patched for so long before replacement is needed. Items like aging mechanical systems, a leaking roof, lack of a sprinkler system, dead-end shelving, for example, must be addressed. Also, a cosmetic change does not address the constant demand for more spaces for quiet study, tutoring, clubs, in person and virtual meetings, and the technology to support those spaces. We are asked for these things weekly if not daily. Our current layout does not serve the public’s needs.

Q. Do people even use libraries anymore in the digital age?

We can confidently say yes. Take a look at our 2022-2023 statistics below.

Q. Will the parking lot be redone?

Yes, we are planning to resurface the parking lot, but that is not part of our bond request. We are pursuing grant opportunities for the parking lot project.

Q. What is the time frame post completion for reimbursement with grant monies?

Construction reimbursement grants typically require completion of a project, submission of a final report, and review by granting authorities that could take several months before the grant funds are disbursed.

Q. What is the difference between a bond proposal and a tax increase? And how does it affect homeowners?
A bond proposal would lead to a tax increase if the bond passes. If approved, the bond would mean an increase to your taxes until the bond is paid off. We anticipate a bond term of 15 years. The amount of your tax increase depends on the value of your home. See the projected estimates at the top of the F.A.Q. section of this page.
Click here for the full text legal notice.

The voting will be conducted by ballot as provided in the Education Law and the polls will remain open from 7:00 o’clock A.M. to 9:00 o’clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) and as much longer as may be necessary to enable the voters then present to cast their ballots.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that applications for early mail ballots will be obtainable during school business hours from the District Clerk beginning September 11, 2024; completed applications must be received by the District Clerk no earlier than September 17, 2024 and at least seven (7) days before the date set for said Special District Meeting if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the date set for said Special District Meeting, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter or the voter’s authorized agent at the District Clerk’s office.  Early mail ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 PM, prevailing time on October 16, 2024.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that applications for absentee ballots will be obtainable during school business hours from the District Clerk beginning September 11, 2024; completed applications must be received by the District Clerk no earlier than September 17, 2024 and at least seven (7) days before the date set for said Special District Meeting if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the date set for said Special District Meeting, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter or the voter’s authorized agent at the District Clerk’s office.  Absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 PM, prevailing time on October 16, 2024.

A list of persons to whom early mail ballots and absentee ballots are issued will be available for inspection to qualified voters of the District in the office of the District Clerk during regular office hours until the day of said Special District Meeting.  Any qualified voter present in the polling place may object to the voting of the ballot upon appropriate grounds for making his/her challenge and the reasons therefor known to the Inspector of Election before the close of the polls.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that personal registration of voters is required pursuant to Section 2014 of the Education Law.  Voter eligibility includes: being 18 years of age or older by October 16, 2024; being a U.S. citizen; residence in the School District for 30 days immediately preceding the vote and being registered to vote.  If a voter has heretofore registered to vote with the School District and has voted at an annual or special school district meeting within the last four calendar years, s/he is eligible to vote at this Special District Meeting.  If an eligible voter is currently registered to vote with the Rockland County Board of Elections, s/he is also eligible to vote in this Special District Meeting.  All other persons who wish to vote must register with the Board of Registration in the Administrative Offices of the Nanuet Union Free School District, 101 Church Street, Nanuet, New York, between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M on or before October 11, 2024.  Please call (845) 627-9202 for an appointment.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Register of voters so prepared shall be filed in the Office of the District Clerk located at the Administrative Offices of the Nanuet Union Free School District, 101 Church Street, Nanuet, New York, where the same shall be open for inspection by any qualified voter of the District between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., (Prevailing Time), on the five days prior to said Special District Meeting, except Sunday, and on Saturday, October 12, 2024 by appointment only.  Said Register will be open for inspection at the polling place on the date of said Special District Meeting.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that military voters who are not currently registered may apply to register as a qualified voter of the Nanuet School District by requesting a military registration form from the District Clerk.  A military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the registration application by mail, facsimile or e-mail.  Completed military voter registration forms must be received in the office of the District Clerk not later than 5:00 PM, prevailing time on September 20, 2024.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that military voters who are qualified voters of the Nanuet School District may apply for a military ballot by requesting a military ballot application from the District Clerk.  A military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the application by mail, facsimile or e-mail. Completed military ballot applications must be returned in person or by mail to the Office of the District Clerk, at 101 Church Street, Nanuet, New York, not later than 5:00 PM on September 20, 2024.  A military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the military ballot application by mail, facsimile or e-mail.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that military ballots shall be mailed or otherwise distributed by the appropriate school board of education in accordance with the military voter’s preferred method of transmission, as soon as practicable, but not later than September 21, 2024.  Military ballots must be (1) received by mail by the District Clerk before the close of the polls on the date set for said Special District Meeting and showing a cancellation mark of the U.S. postal service or a foreign country’s postal service, or showing a dated endorsement of receipt by another agency of the U.S. government; or (2) received by 5:00 PM on the date set for said Special District Meeting and signed and dated by the military voter and one witness thereto, with a date which is ascertained to be not later than the day before the date set for said Special District Meeting.

Only qualified voters who are registered to vote will be permitted to vote.

Library Stats 2022-2023

Visits to Library: 65,973

Items Checked Out: 150,090

Programs & Events: 729

Program & Event Attendees: 14,398

2022-2023 Library Statistics

Contact Us

Use this form to submit comments and questions, or call 845-623-4281 Ext. 116

7 + 9 =

Jessica Bowen Ossa, Library Director

Jessica Bowen Ossa, Library Director

Photo by Chris X. Carroll

A Brief History of Nanuet Public Library

Founded in 1893-1894 the Library was first housed in the original Nanuet Public School. In 1911 library operations moved to the Highview School. In 1959 the library moved 16,000 volumes to a rented store on Main Street.

In 1962 property for the current site was acquired by the Nanuet School District. ln 1966 construction began on our current facility, 149 Church Street, originally a single-story, 8,800 sq. ft. building. This location opened to the public in 1969.

In 1987 a Bond Proposal passed to construct a significant addition. In 1990, this renovation was completed resulting in the building as it exists today. When this version of the Library was designed and approved in 1987, its intended purpose was to meet the community’s needs for 10 to 20 years, and to allow for the possibility of future expansion. That was 37 years ago. The building in its current form has indeed served the community well, and though it has been steadily maintained and improved over the years, including roof repair, elevator modernization, and additional restrooms, the time for renovation has come.

With the advent of major technological advancements, an expanding population, aging mechanical systems, and a shift in the way public libraries are used, the library again went out for a Bond Referendum in 2022 that ultimately did not pass by a narrow margin.

Nanuet residents have a long history of supporting the development of their Library, proceeding in a measured and fiscally conservative manner, while planning for current and future needs. The Library Board of Trustees takes its fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers seriously, and has determined that the most economical course of action is a comprehensive, building-wide renovation plan—that is, one project instead of several smaller, less cost-effective ones over many years. After the very close Bond Referendum in 2022, the Board listened to the voters’ concerns and priorities. They have landed upon a redesigned project which reduces costs while still addressing the key upgrades to existing systems, and creation of new spaces to meet the community’s needs.